Room 112
Studio B - Film and Screening
The Studio B- Film and Screening room features:
Projection Screen and Projector ( CFE - Met Washington Building)
​PA System- Warless Mics , DSP, ADA, and AMP ( CFE - Met Washington Building)
Lighting Control Console (CFE- Met Washington Building)
Surround Sound System - ATMOS (CFE - WHUT)
Lighting grid and Curtin Tack (CFE - WHUT)​
Studio Production Lighting
Crestron Control System
BSP - connection to Control Room 108A
Location in WHUT Building, first floor, Studio B - Film and Screening
Auditorium in Met Washington Building . Screen and projector repurposed for Studio B Screening Room
Lighting Control Board
Equipment Used from the Met Washington building:
Draper Projection Screen (Auditorium)
Projector and mount (Auditorium)
Equipment Rack (Screening Room)
Rack Power Distribution
RF Transmitter
Wireless Mic System
Ethernet switch
Audio DSP
Audio Amp
Lighting Control Board
Met Building Screening Room Equipment Rack
ProCyc - Left and Back Wall
ProCyc - Right and Back Wall
Studio B Floorplan with ProCyc
Wall Mounted Broadcast Service Panel
Signals to and from BSP
Roll-around Lighting Control Console.